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 -          Definition of data representation

Data representation can be defined as the way data is being represented in a physical storage medium. Different computer storage medium stores data differently. Also different data transmission medium transmits data differently. Most times it is necessary to perform certain transformation on a data because data storage representation in the two systems are different.

-          Description of data representation methods

Data representation refers to the methods used internally to represent information stored in a computer. Computer stores different types of information such as:

Numbers, text, graphics of many varieties (still, video, animations), sound.

Bits:  In a computer system all types of information are stored internally in the same simple format i.e. a sequence of 0’s and 1’s. This is called a BIT. A bit means Binary digit which is represented by an either a zero or a one. Therefore the computer stores all our forms of information stored on it be it pictures, videos, numbers or alphabets in only 0s and 1s.


BCD means Binary Coded Decimal is a digital encoding method for decimal numbers in which each digits is represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD a numeral is usually represented by four bits which, in general represent the decimal range from 0 through 9.


Extended Binary Coded decimal Interchange Code. Is a character encoding set used by IBM Mainframes. EBCDIC uses the full 8bits available to it, which is also known as a byte. It consist of 256 8-bits characters and are used for data representation and transfer. It also used to represent numbers and text.


Text can be represented easily by assigning a unique numeric value for each symbol used in the text. For example the widely used ASCII code defines 128 different symbols (all character found on a standard keyboard, plus a few extra) and assigns to each a unique numeric code between 0 and 127.

Computer Character Sets

Computer character sets is a defined list of characters recognized by the computer hardware and software. It is the set of characters represented in different data representation method. Each character is represented by a number.
The ASCII character set, for example, uses the number 0 through 127 to represent all English characters as well and special control characters.


1.      Why are there different types of data representations? 

2.      List the different methods of data representation 

3.      Get and download (print if you can’t write out) a full standard ASCII table for character representation.

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