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Computers are used almost everywhere these days either to process data, play games, music or chat, banking, communicate, send information from one location to another across the world globally and so much more. Common areas where computers are used include:

Industry and Commerce
Saving records, security, real-time response, automating records, communication, process control, detection, manufacturing, accounting etc.

Health Care
Save records, diagnose patients, scanning of body parts, security, management of records, communication, research, consultations, preserving bodies etc.

Government Institutions
To save and manage records of people, vehicles, activities etc. plan government calendars, security, forecasting and drawing of budgets, communication, research activities, traffic control etc.

Education and Research
Computers are used in the area of education for learning aids, research and reference tools, keeping research records, budgeting, accounting, security, forecasting, communications, consultations etc.

Communication Industry
Prepare programs on TV/Radio, broadcasting, producing music, tracking activities, automating communication processes, relay of telephone signals etc.

Police and Defence
Tracking criminals, keeping records, used in forensic labs to filter DNA and fingerprints, controlling traffic, communication, automating armoury, military vehicles and tanks, controlling CCTV cameras, keep track of temperatures in nuclear stations etc.

Home and Leisure
Entertainment, used as TV, Radio, DVD player. Communication, security, keeping home records and budgeting family finances, can be used as a diary, notebook or an address book, etc.

Transport and tourism
Hotel booking system, marketing, air travel, booking and control system, communication and research, traffic light system, shipping and sea navigation, security etc.

Keeping inventory record, controlling farm machinery, keeping track of plants and livestock, research and consultations, diagnosing farm diseases and pests, tracking livestock movements, breeding and health records, irrigation etc.


Faster Communication Speed
With the advent of computer and the internet news and messages are sent via the e-mail to friends, business partners or to everyone efficiently and at a fast communication speed as fast as being instant. With the capability of bandwidth and broadband connection speed on the internet, any information can travel fast at an instant, it saves time and its inexpensive.

Lower Communication cost
Using computer with internet is much more cost effective than using other modes of communication such as telephone, mailing or courier services. It allows people to have access to large amount of data at a very low cost.

Reliable mode of communication
Computers are reliable. With the internet, information can be accessed and retrieved from anywhere and at any time in the world.  This makes it a reliable mode of communication.

Effective Sharing of Communication
With the advancement of ICT information can be shared by people all around the world. This enables knowledge sharing which contributes to the development of a knowledge based society.

Paperless Environment
Through ICT information can be stored and retrieved through digital medium instead of an on paper affair, which made us say ICT has created a paperless environment.

Other impacts of ICT on the society are Borderless Communication, Social Problems, Health problems.

1.      Explain the other impacts of ICT on the society which are:
·           Borderless Communication
·           Social Problems
·           Health problems.

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