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Tuesday 28 February 2023

Trending Topics in Mathematics

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Dislikeed Topics

Loved Topics


1. Bearing

This topic is mostly disliked by students. Mainly because it involves not only diagrams but drawing or creating of diagrams as well.

2. Simplification of Algebraic Expression

On my number two list is the dreaded algebra. Nothing imparticular is scary about algebra if not that it requires the use of letters or symbols in finding the solution to problems

3. Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

Lowest Common Multiple, which can also be called least common multiple, is an interesting topic. It is the application of prime factors in finding the smallest common multiple of a set of given numbers. Students often find it complicating at early primary. They also find it comp[licating when the numbers involved are very large, lack common prime factors or as a word problem

4. Ratio

This topic is so interesting because its application in our daily activity. Students find it a lot more interesting when teachers use household experience in the expalnation of the topic. Ratio expresses sharing as a relationship between the quatities distributed among the subjects


1. Binary Numbers

This topic is one interesting aspect in mathematics that student enjoy studying. Possibly because its use of basic operators such as addition, multiplication and simple division.

2. Linear Angles

Just as the name implies, this aspect of exercise on 'angle' is a piece of cake and quite an entry point for anyone who wants to learn angle. the problems are usually on straigt lines with intercepts, dividing angle 180degree into two or more parts; one might be requested to find a missing value for an angle

3. Angle of Elevation and Depression

Angle of elevation and depression seems to be find its place in the list of disturbing topics because its combination of word problem, angle and logical representation of problems. Most students that have fun solving direct simplification may not find problems on angle of elevation and depression interesting.

4. Plane Shapes

I had a discussion with a student and he stated that one of his monster-topic is plane shapes. He narrated that his problem areas are definition of terms (e.g. perimetre) and that he is also distracted by the diagram

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