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Tuesday 14 March 2023

Keeping Fit

Table of Content


Chess and scrabble




In and Out

1. Aerobics

This is a group of exercises that speeds up your heart rate, spontaneously increase blood flow and boosts ones agility. It improves cardiovascular response because of its high demand for oxygen

2. Chess and Scrabble

Chess and Scrabble are games that improves problem solving skills and productivity

3. Skipping

This is a very good example of aerobic exercise. It involves jumping over a rope spinned by another or you spin yourself. It has interesting variety and it is fun. You could skip with two foots down or one foot down. You could gallop or hop over the rope

4. Race

Another interesting aerobic activity is racing. There are verious forms of race and you could speed up your heart rate by racing with any physical activity. One could race with squatting, sack bag, frog jump, sprint, long race, skipping and lots more for lots of fun

5. Football

Soccer to be precise is an activity loved by many. Its an interesting game and played almost in any place, though not standard. There one interesting form of soccer enjoyed by Nigerians called monkey post. It is not often played by a standard team of 11. It could be played using a smaller post like tyre or a measured spaced stone by foot. It is used to improve accuracy and goal scoring chances. Another variety of football is the one touch also called centre ball. This form of football is played with a default man at the centre trying to reach the ball with one touch from his or her feet. Once this aim is achieved the centre man replaces who so ever causes the demiss. It is quite interesting because it improves passing skills and timing accuracy. It is also aerobic

6. In and Out

In and out as the name implies is a short distant race game and hence could be classified as anaerobic. Participants form circle with the starter at the centre. The aim is for the person at the centre to touch the closest person to him or her after a dash in just 2 or 3 calculated steps. There is also no rule stopping him or her from touching more than on person.

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